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Meal Plan For Less
It’s back to school season and for many families that means getting back into some sort of routine after the summer holidays. Let the Meal Plan Like A Boss Toolkit help you save money and time on grocery shopping for a limited time special price
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Hi there!
Welcome to Skinny Spending, where I help you become financially fitter without resorting to the extreme. Because when you think about it, saving money and going on a diet actually have a lot in common.
Firstly there’s the good intentions, until after a few days of deprivation, something cracks and you end up buying a new coat on your Visa card (which is the diet equivalent of stuffing your face with a box of Krispy Kremes.)
The bottom line is, just like in the world of nutrition, crash diets just don’t work.
So if you’re fed up of hearing about no spend challenges and giving up your Starbucks fix to save money, you’re in the right place!

Melissa x
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