12 ingenious ways To Save Money on Heating Bills
The rising costs of energy prices are a real concern for many UK householders, with many set to see the biggest increase in their household bills for decades.
I recently spoke to The Pension Times about the issue, and my concerns that the government’s £350 support package does not really begin to cover the extent of the increases some will see.
However, there are still ways to save money on heating bills amongst other energy costs. Small changes really do add up, and one positive is the impact on the enivorment that reducing our energy usage will have.
Try some of these 12 ingenious ways to save money on heating bills, and see which will make the most impact for you.

Turn the Thermostat Down
What is your current thermostat set to? The ideal indoor temperature should be between 18-20, yet according to USwitch, as many as 5 million households have theirs set higher than this, with 1.5 million setting their heating to a massive 25. By turning down the thermostat just one degree could save up to £128.

Close off Unused Rooms
If you have a guest bedroom or spare room that is rarely used, turn the radiator off in this room and keep the door closed. To prevent damp, it may be a good idea to heat this room periodically.
Make Sure Doors and Windows Are Closed Tightly
I always start the day by opening the bedroom windows to let some fresh air in, even in the winter. However, after a few minutes at this time of the year I ensure the windows are closed again to prevent heat loss.
Any draughts caused by poorly closing windows or doors can really impact the effectiveness of your heating, so be sure to use draught excluders where necessary.

Rearrange Your Furniture
If a sofa or other large furniture item is in front of your radiator, it could affect the effectiveness of the heat circulating the room. If cold rooms are a problem, consider rearranging the furniture if possible to ensure the radiators can do their job effectively.
Get an Energy Audit with the Green Deal Scheme
The Uk Government currently offer a Green Deal assessment scheme, where an assessor will audit potential energy saving measures that will benefit your home. If you are spending too much and you cannot afford to pay your bills, you might end up dealing with a debt enforcement agency.
Although the service is free, the necessary home improvements would need to be paid for by the homeowner, although certain concessions are available. You can find out more on the official website.

Are You Eligible for the UK Government Warm Home Discount Scheme?
You could get £150 off your electricity bill for winter 2022 to 2023 under the UK Government Warm Home Discount Scheme.
This money is not paid directly to you – instead it’s a one-off discount on your electricity bill, between October 2022 and March 2023.
You may be able to get the discount on your gas bill instead if your supplier provides you with both gas and electricity and you’re eligible. Contact your supplier to find out.
Service Your Heating Systems
Ensuring your boiler or heating system is running effectively is crucial in saving money on heating, as poorly working parts could effect the fuel economy of your boiler.
Many companies have a boiler plan which includes an annual service, as well as cover if anything needs replacing, which could equally save money on costly repairs.
Install a Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats, such as Hive or Google Nest can reduce your heating consumption as they are completely customisable to the user.
For example, they can be programmed to turn the heating off completely based on geo location rather than just time alone – if everyone is out, the heating can go off or be reduced.
Everything can be controlled remotely using a smartphone app, meaning even when away from home you have control over your heating.
Of course, not every heating system is automatically compatible with a smart thermostat, so initial installation could be costly. However, if you are looking to upgrade your boiler to a more energy efficient model, one compatible with a smart thermostat is a must.
Use Space Heaters if only one room is in use
If the majority of the family are out of the house at work and school, and one family member is occupying a single room such as a home office, consider turning off the central heating and warming that room with a space heater until the rest of the family return.
In a small room, space heaters would only need to be on for a limited time in order to warm the room as opposed to being left on for long periods of time. Of course, space heaters use electricity which means you could see an increase in your electricity bill to offset saving money on your heating. You would need to work out what the most cost effective option would be for your circumstances.
Add Insulation
Up to 25% of heat can be lost through the roof of a house, so it is vital to ensure proper loft insulation is fitted in your property.
Bundle Up
It might seem like stating the obvious, but if you’re cold, reach for a jumper or blanket instead of cranking the heating up.
Nobody wants to sit around shivering, but layering up really does make a big difference and means you can turn the heating down, or off completely depending upon the time of year.
This Kuddly hoodie blanket is so soft and comfortable and a great way of keeping warm without turning up the heating.

Go green with renewable energy
Solar panels and other sources of renewable energy are not only better for the environment, but they could save you money on heating and other energy bills.
Of course, you would need to cover the initial installation costs, and not all sources of renewable energy are appropriate for every home.
To find out more about the renewable energy sources available to you, EOn lists 7 forms of renewable energy in this post.
How will You Save Money on Heating Bills?
Do you have any other ideas to save money on heating? Be sure to add a comment and share it with the community.
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