6 things I stopped buying to get out of debt
To get out of debt, there were many changes I had to make – much like going on a diet. Indeed, one of the reasons I thought of the name Skinny Spending for my blog was the fact that I needed to put myself on a money diet in order to pay off my credit card and afford to live on a part time wage.
What I didn’t expect to learn upon the way was the realisation at just how consumer driven we are as a society and just how much stuff I used to buy myself every month that ended up being nothing but clutter.
“Imagine your perfect house – no one ever imagines it full of clutter.”
I’m not really one for inspirational quotes but I saw this one on Instagram (if you know the source please let me know in the comments so I can credit) and it really did resonate with me. I began to question why I had previously bought so much stuff and how much I have changed. So these are the 6 things that I have changed my spending habits on once and for all:
Not a surprise, as you only have to watch an episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo to see this is such a common area to have in excess.
Because paying off my debt meant I couldn’t afford to buy new clothes all the time, each thing I do buy has to be carefully considered. I had so many clothes already that it certainly made it easier to go without, but I also managed to declutter so many items.
Most of the things I do buy are on sale or special offer so I know I am getting the most for my money, but the key thing is that I made sure I actually need it. Even though I have always reworn my dresses, the old me would always buy a new dress for a wedding or birthday night out “just because”, now I don’t give myself an option because I know I have plenty that fit and suit me for these occasions.
Discover how I made over £1000 selling my old clutter on eBay
Make Up
My drawers were full of unused makeup items because I stick to the same few products day to day, and even when I have a night out I still reach for the same small selection of extras, so a lot of the items I had that were either from gift sets or bought on sale were just clutter. I also managed to downshift from using a £35 foundation to Home Bargains 99p one for day to day wear and I am so pleased with it!
My big take away from this is to stop buying sale items that I won’t use, and any gift set items that are not my thing will be sold new or given away.
Discover the other bargain beauty products I have switched to!
This isn’t entirely deliberate, but I have not had my hair cut for over a year! My hairdresser went on maternity leave and then the branch of the national chain I went to closed down, and I have just never got round to going somewhere new! Luckily as I have long hair and like it long I can get away with it, but I’m not recommending this particularly and can’t wait to have a trim soon!
One thing I will definitely not be doing is paying for colour anymore. I typical visit to the hairdressers for me would be around £140 which I used to stick on my credit card every time. I was too scared to dye it myself but once I took the plunge I have been really pleased with the results, and at £7 a time this works out far cheaper.
I also cannot recommend Enrapture heated rollers enough, I am able to do my hair just as I want for nights out and special occasions.
Before becoming parents we would be out at gigs or nights out several times a month, I certainly don’t regret this as it’s what life is all about. However, if you are in the situation where you want or need to cut down on it, it’s amazing how much money you can save. Because I only get a night every month or less I really appreciate them now.
We are both lucky to have had weekends abroad alone with our friends on stag/hen parties meaning that we actually got a little child free holiday each. We have also had weekends away with family at Center Parcs, The Lake District and Haven which we are more than happy about and they cater for children so well.
I’m looking forward to our first trip abroad as a family but this is something we won’t be doing until we can pay for it in cash!
What have you cut out to curb your spending, or what are you planning to? Let me know in the comments!
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